Best Anchorages of the Inside Passage: British Columbia's South Coast from the Gulf Islands to Cape Caution by Anne Vipond, William Kelly
Best Anchorages of the Inside Passage: British Columbia's South Coast from the Gulf Islands to Cape Caution by Anne Vipond, William Kelly PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
One of the finest cruising grounds in the world, the Inside Passage is a boater's paradise with hundreds of pristine islands, inlets and anchorages. Best Anchorages of the Inside Passage is a comprehensive selection of over 200 boating destinations. Some are well known but many are secret getaways gleaned by the authors. Over 120 color maps and 450 photographs, all in color. Tips on anchoring, information on ports and marinas, best beaches, hiking trails with background on wildlife, history and native culture.From reader reviews:
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